Penrite Oil Sandown 500

Race results

Sandown Raceway, Victoria

20-22 September 2024

Days until race 54

Melbourne's 3.1 kilometre Sandown International Raceway has hosted some incredible races over the past three decades. This circuit is best described as two long dragstrips with some some tight hairpin corners in between. It can be treacherous in the wet (or the hail) and very exciting in the dry. It has been a place where I have achieved significant milestones as I made my V8 Supercar debut at the Sandown 500 back in 2003 and gained my first V8 Supercar victory at the Sandown 500 with Jason Bright in 2006. I also finished second overall at this venue in 2008.

Track summary

Race map of Sandown Raceway
  • Track Length 3.1km
  • Best Position 1st (2015)