Perth SuperSprint

Race results

Wanneroo Raceway, Western Australia

17-19 May 2024

  • Qual 23rd
  • Race 9 16th
  • Qual 23rd
  • Race 10 20th
Championship 15th

This is an excellent racing circuit that has a bit of everything, from fast straights, to tight turns and long radius corners. At only 2.4km in length, it is deceptively difficult to get absolutely right and in past years has caught out some of the best drivers in its hungry sand traps. As the only major motor racing event in Perth, huge crowd numbers support the event and it is usually produces great races. I won this event in 2008 - its a beauty.

Track summary

Race map of Wanneroo Raceway
  • Track Length 2.415km
  • Best Position 1st (2016)